A penny saved is a penny __________.
This proverb is attributed to Benjamin Franklin a lot of the time.
If you can't take the heat, get out of the __________.
This one should have been easy. Crematorium? Come on!
Distance makes the heart grow __________.
I sure hope it doesn't make the heart grow colder.
Out of sight, out of __________.
"Out of sight, out of vision," would be a little bit redundant don't you think?
Patience is a __________.
The right answer is virtue, but sometimes fiend can work too.
You made your bed, now __________ in it.
Brevity is the soul of ___________.
The right answer is wit. The whole point is that you should be concise if you really want to be funny.
Home is where the __________.
You can't live on __________ alone.
Speak for yourself, I love me some good bread.
A watched pot never __________.
Time goes faster when you're having fun, so instead of watching the pot... do something fun and it will boil faster! Right?
Having __________ in the hole.
An ace is the highest card in poker, so having one in the hole is pretty good.
Something done immediately is done at the drop of __________.
Dropping a hat was sometimes used as a signal to start a race!
Took too much responsibility? __________ more than you can chew!
Biting off more than you can chew isn't a good idea... so don't do it.
If you escape disaster, you escape by the __________ of your teeth.
Talking too much? You're just chewing the __________.
Chewing the scenery is a completely different phrase.
Giving someone the cold __________.
A cold eyebrow doesn't sound great either.
Get off the couch! You're such a couch __________.
The word "potato" does have a weird way of sounding lazy.
Nobody wants to talk about the __________ in the room.
Everyone avoids it!
You heard a secret through the __________.
Through the grapevine!
You did that perfectly! Really hit the __________ on the head.
Nailed it!
Gotta go! Time to __________ the road.
And don'tcha come back no more no more no more no more!
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