The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Pee a Lot? What Your Bathroom Schedule Means

at 4:03 pm | By

15. What’s Inside?

bathroom habits detective

Source: Twitter @VASEOexpert

The last major indicator in terms of your bowel movements is the presence of any easily identifiable extraneous substances in your waste. Not that you have to perform an autopsy on a turd, but glancing at what you’ve made once in a while could help you better understand your health.

Many foods such as corn are rarely fully digested by the body, so it’s not uncommon to see skins or seeds in your solid waste. Even mucus may be present from time to time, but if you notice it often, it could mean that you’re sick or have an infection.

True, it’s not recommended to discuss your bathroom habits in mixed company, but understanding more about this taboo topic could be one of the easiest steps to take in order to get a better grasp on your inner health. Remember, there are many factors affecting waste expulsion and digestion, so one small change after one trip to the bathroom might not be anything to worry about. Pain, discomfort, or blood (more so in urine than stool) are the three biggest indicators of a problem that might require medical attention.

Otherwise, use this knowledge to enjoy the go, and SHARE!
