The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Watch Channing Tatum Insult An Adorable Kitten

at 3:04 pm | By

The Video You’ve All Been Waiting For

channing tatum talks to kitten

Source: YouTube/Jimmy KimmelLive

Somehow Jimmy Kimmel knows exactly what it is America wants to see. Take two ingredients that we’re obsessed with, put them together, and BAM you’ve got a viral video. This time he’s put Magic Mike XL star Channing Tatum and the cutest kitten we’ve possibly ever seen together in a puffy, cloud-filled room and Channing Tatum hurls 8 verbal insults at the kitty. What’s not to love?

Here are a few of our favorite insults. Let’s see if kitty takes kindly to Tatum’s words…

Don’t forget to SHARE, because cats and stuff!

“Dude, you eat out your a$$hole every. Single. Day. All day long.”

Source: YouTube/Jimmy KimmelLive

Throwing down truth, right off the bat. Kitty remains calm.

“You don’t have thumbs dude. That sucks for you. I got thumbs.”

Source: YouTube/Jimmy KimmelLive

Alright, now we’re getting a little to focused on disabilities issues. You can tell kitty is getting a little irked, but the claws haven’t come out yet.

Find out what puts kitty over the edge…

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Check out the full video and find out how kitty eventually reacts to all of Channing Tatum’s 6 other hateful comments.