The Internet at the Speed of Thought

The Exact Moment People Realized They’re Screwed

at 12:16 pm | By

And There’s Nothing You Can Do About It

We’ve all been there. That moment when your stomach turns into a sack of bolts, your brain’s working a million miles per second to fix everything, but you ultimately know there’s absolutely no way to stop the impending doom that’s headed your way. It’s the dreaded moment before. Good luck everyone.

Get ready to cringe and don’t forget to SHARE.

cat about to scratch woman's face

Source: Imgur @whatthelump

Oh Beautiful, For Spacious Skies…

woman falling on slip and slide

Source: Imgur/thereisnowaythatthisnametaken

It’s the 4th of July, nothing could go wrong. Except getting a little overconfident with that beer of yours. This firework is about to DUD.

Senior Skip (and Fall) Day

balcony of college kids about to fall

Source: Imgur/@SinisterCheese

They skipped physics class to be here.

Kitty Selfie

cat about to scratch woman's face

Source: Imgur/@whatthelump



biker about to hit the concrete

Source: Imgur @thedaulityofman

Someone please press rewind. Please!

Check That One More Time

biker about to hit the concrete

Source: Imgur @thedaulityofman

Wait a second. How did this bike get upside down?

The Shortcut

man falling down the stairs

Source: Imgur @sogloriousithurts

Zach Galifianakis’ stunt double never looked the same again.

Sh*t’s About to Happen

convertible about to be pummeled with shit

Source: Imgur @Ubehage

She never saw it coming. But she did smell it.

Sh*t’s About to Go Down

cheerleading falling

Source: Reddit

The expressions: priceless.

So THAT’S What A Phonebook Is For

boy about to be hit with phonebook

Source: Imgur @GeneralSarcastic

At least someone’s using that book for something these days.

Cat’s Out Of The Bag

cat jumps onto bed

Source: Imgur @dudeist

And everything looked so peaceful.

The Face of a Mother About to Throw Down

girl about to get in trouble by her mom

Source: Reddit/onlineIcanbene1


Bending Over Backwards

wrestler the moment before pain

Source: Imgur

Someone call the chiropractor.

The Classic

man falling into lake

Source: Imgur @KaleebtheMighty

Breakdancing anyone?
