The Internet at the Speed of Thought

The Best (and Worst) Baby Announcements Ever

at 11:31 am | By

Okay, enough of that cute stuff. Let’s get real for a second.

hockey game pregnancy annoucnement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

I wonder if her mom was even watching the game!

The PSL baby

starbucks pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @julielovesa7x

To me, this photo reads “Don’t worry, the baby is going to be just as basic as the rest of us!”

Sporty Spice has a baby.

Hoola Hoop pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @awkwardfamilyphotos

She’s trying to be all, “Yeah, I’m fit even though I’m pregnant,” but we’re not so sure that she can fit that hula hoop around her belly.
