The Internet at the Speed of Thought

The Best (and Worst) Baby Announcements Ever

at 11:31 am | By

There comes a time in many young couples’ lives where they decide they’re ready to have kids. But how can your friends be sure whether their reaction should be “Oh sh*t” or “Congratulations?” Many couples choose to let the world know that they’re expecting loud and proud with a themed photoshoot, and just like a snowflake, no two pregnancy announcement photos are alike. Unless you’re basic. Then your photos are probably like everybody else’s. But in this gallery, you’ll find baby announcement pics that range from adorable to terrifying, and everything in between.

morning sickness baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Click below for some inspiration (and caution) for your next baby announcement photo!

First, there’s this couple, that may or may not be think their baby is going to be spaghetti.

Prego Baby announcement

Source: Instagram @roberthayward


Apparently this is actually a pretty common trend.

prego baby announcement

Source: Instagram @hernaz722

Doesn’t the big brother look pumped?

Unfortunately it’s VERY common.

prego baby announcement

Source: Instagram @jessietheepilot

This couple gets points for the accurate depiction of pregnancy cravings, though.

Here’s how you can should tell your hubby he’s going to be a dad with pizza!

pizza pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @campicfav

I wonder if she used PREGO tomato sauce…

And here’s how you shouldn’t.

Pizza pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @mommyof3_ttt

Wouldn’t be surprised if this was like the 5th child or something. I can sense the lack of inspiration.

Here’s how you use your older children to your advantage.

chalkboard baby announcement

Source: Instagram @chalkingitupboards

Seriously, could the soon-to-be-big brother be any cuter?

They’re the people who will never forget who their real first child was…

black lab big brother

Source: Instagram @chloel01

His excitement is palpable.

Even if their first child was a cat (sorry, cat lovers).

cat big sister baby announcement

Source: Instgram @insta_doonz

Apparently chalkboards are the most chic way to announce your baby.

Okay, enough of that cute stuff. Let’s get real for a second.

hockey game pregnancy annoucnement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

I wonder if her mom was even watching the game!

The PSL baby

starbucks pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @julielovesa7x

To me, this photo reads “Don’t worry, the baby is going to be just as basic as the rest of us!”

Sporty Spice has a baby.

Hoola Hoop pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @awkwardfamilyphotos

She’s trying to be all, “Yeah, I’m fit even though I’m pregnant,” but we’re not so sure that she can fit that hula hoop around her belly.

These parents have restored my faith in baby announcement photos.

mario pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @sadiedawn90

Plot twist: Player 2 turns out to be Toad and the parents have a lot of explaining to do to grandma and grandpa.

At least this little girl was honest about her feelings surrounding the subject.

crying baby pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @ashleighcaneyphotography

She’ll never be the prefect little only child princess again. Better live it up till December, little lady!

The “My husband has a huge belly” announcement.

man belly pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Like, gross?

The “I’m going to give birth to a tiny full-grown man” announcement.

woman with man drawn on pregnant stomach

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Wait, what?

Closely related to the “I can draw a creepily accurate fetus” announcement.

woman with fetus drawn on pregnant stomach

Source: Instagram @awkwardfamilyphotos

Save it for the textbooks, hun.

There’s this mom that wore a t-shirt giving us the unwanted reminder that she has a full-blown living creature growing in her stomach.

baby skeleton t-shirt

Source: Instagram @braaschmegan

Seriously, I know I should have known that babies have bones, BUT I JUST NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT UNTIL NOW.

There’s this mom’s twins sonogram that looks unfortunately like creepy sloth eyes.

Twin sonogram baby announcement

Source: Instagram @canduce006

Are you sure you’re giving birth to human twins and not one large tree-dwelling mammal, ma’am?

One mom tried to get hip with her creative pregnancy announcement.

baby bump is the new black tshirt

Source: Instagram @twinsiez_babyandkids

I would be fine with this, but Baby Bump isn’t a color. This is just wrong.

Little known fact: You can get your wife pregnant with an air pump.

man blowing up pregnant stomach

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Don’t try this one at home, kids.

Pro Tip: if you do it at a gas station, it’s quicker, and free!

man inflating wife's pregnant stomach

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

No puns intended. We swear.

There’s this middle child who doesn’t know the terrible life he’s about to endure.

older brothers pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @__selinas__

Okay, so terrible is an exaggeration. But middle children, do ya hear me?

If “oops” is in the announcement photo, it can only go downhill from there.

pregnancy selfie

Source: Instagram @awkwardfamilyphotos

I hope she found some more appropriate mom clothes before she gave birth.

Speaking of “oops.”

should have used a condom pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @awkwardfamilyphotos

The I-should-have-used-a-condom face usually comes the day after, not eight and a half months later, but you do you, boo.

The “My-husband-has-a huge-belly: naked edition”

naked husband and wife pregnancy announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

I don’t even know this man, but I know that this is more of him than I ever wanted to see.

The unoriginal but always cute “Bump Ahead” photo.

bump ahead baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Bonus points if you go out and find a real sign like these people, rather than buying one and holding it up like some fools.

There’s this friendly reminder that mommy shouldn’t be drinking during her pregnancy.

no alcohol baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

She doesn’t look too thrilled about that. Shouldn’t his sign say “drinking for 3?”

To be fair, the naked husband thing DOES work if your husband is sexy like this one.

melons baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

He is going to be one sexy daddy. She’s not so bad herself .;)

There’s this truly endearing reminder that pregnancy kinda sucks

morning sickness baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Must be nice to be a dad and not have to ACTUALLY go through pregnancy. All the baby, none of the struggle.

There’s this vulgar piece of home decor that’s actually kind of adorable.

pull out baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

I wonder where in your house one hangs such a needle point.

The fact that this photo is basic as hell doesn’t make it any less adorable.

pumpkin baby announcement

Source: Instagram @psychobabyonline

If you’re pregnant anytime around Halloween, it would be a crime not to make these pumpkins.

However, it is 2015, so you have the option to make your announcement very public, but super casual.

facebook baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

“Like if you think it’s going to be a boy, share if it’s going to be a girl ;)”

This adorable gamer family is winning the baby announcement game.

gamer baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Hopefully there are no glitches or hacks!

This dad was not having any of it.

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Poor guy, he probably just wanted a son. At some point you have to stop rolling the dice, brotha.

This baby is coming in like a wrecking ball.

wrecking ball baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Epic Halloween costume. Hopefully the kid doesn’t grow up with Miley as a role model though…

The announcement that could have been cute with better execution.

ice ice baby announcement

Source: Instagram @thebabynator77

Off-brand ice cream, scrubbin’ it in sweats, and dad doesn’t even look excited. I give them a C.
