The Internet at the Speed of Thought

News Station Mistakes ISIS Symbol with ‘Star Wars’ Reference

at 12:17 pm | By

Episode III: Revenge of ISIS

This hilarious tweet shows a picture of Darth Vader with some Middle Eastern women with the caption “Exclusive images from TVE of ISIS planning its next attack.”

Episode IV: A New Flop

Jota Abril, host of La mañana, later took to Twitter to apologize for the mixup. He wrote “This morning I confused a logo during an explanation on the show. My fault. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anybody.”

Episode V: The Internet Strikes Back

What’s perhaps most embarrassing about the mistaken logo was the source of the image.

Whichever intern or producer at TVE put together the slide seen on La mañana seems to have found the image through a poor Google or Facebook search. The symbol they mistook to represent the terrorist organization al-Qaeda was actually from a Facebook page for a “record label” called Alqaeda’Inc, which uses the Rebel symbol on its profile.

Probably should have fact checked that!
