The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Sliced Chocolate Is Now A Thing And It’s Awesome

at 12:03 pm | By

Finally a way to get your chocolate fix faster!

Japan is not only lightyears ahead of us in terms of technology, but also with food and its concoctions/presentations. For example check out how adorable their donuts are:

animal donuts

Source: Instagram @tokyofashion

Or kid’s lunches:

pikachu bento box

Source: Instagram @army728

Not impressive enough for you? How about wasabi flavored KitKats and salt watermelon flavored Pepsi? These treats may sound gross to a lot of Americans, but they sound like heaven to me. Maybe you’ll appreciate the new it snack in Japan combining deliciousness and efficiency: Pre-sliced chocolate squares!

Over in the wonderful food world that is Japan, chocolate now comes pre-sliced and individually wrapped like Kraft cheese. I don’t know why this idea has taken so long to come into fruition, but it’s totally genius. Check it:

three shots of sliced chocolate

Source: Twitter @3216

Chocolate sandwiches? It’s a delicious accompaniment to instant ramen for poor college students!

Japanese Twitter user Mitsuhiro Saito recently posted these amazing photos. Saito told BuzzFeed that they taste just like regular chocolate. When you heat them up, though, they have a really strong chocolatey smell.

chocolate slices


Unfortunately, they’re currently sold out, but 60-slice bags were being sold online for ¥3,240 (around $25).

Making sandwiches and pancakes isn’t all you can do with these choco slices.
