The Internet at the Speed of Thought

12 Movie Endings We’re Not Okay With

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9. “A.I. Artificial Intelligence” (2001)

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Source: Twitter @Shepperoni

This entire film was a massive undertaking that was in the works for many years, with a final result feeling like a futuristic Pinocchio that dragged on maybe just a bit too long. Trapped under the waters of the rising sea for all eternity, David (Haley Joel Osment) is left staring at the Blue Fairy he’d chased for so long, hoping to become a real boy. As if that weren’t depressing enough, David “dies” down and humans become extinct.

Then, thousands of years later, advanced alien-like-androids find David and bring his mother back to life, but only for one day. This is sort of like a failed fairytale that will leave you very unsure about David’s entire saga. Just one day certainly doesn’t sound advanced to me.

10. “Grease” (1978)

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Source: Twitter @Ghost_LaRoche

Hands down, Grease is one of my favorite movies of all time. I am in no way ashamed to admit that, and I’ll even go so far as to say that Grease 2 is wonderfully entertaining and kitsch. Don’t lie and pretend you don’t love when “Summer Nights” comes on in a bar.

But then, just as the whole cast brings down the house while singing “We Go Together,” and just as things all seem to be working out for the movie’s couples, everything goes to sh*t. Because suddenly and for NO REASON at all, Danny and Sandy fly away in a flying car that the T-Birds fixed up in shop class (from stolen parts).

Why, Grease, why?

11. “Hide and Seek” (2005)

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Credit: Stuart C. Wilson/ Getty Images/ Thomas Fricilone

Easily one of the worst plot twists of all time, this thriller stars Robert DeNiro worrying about “Charlie,” a murderer who seems to have interacted with his daughter on several occasions. Wouldn’t you know, Charlie is actually a manifestation of DeNiro’s split personality. AKA, DeNiro is Charlie.

This is like one step beyond saying “It was all a dream!” Lame and anticlimactic, this movie actually had five alternate endings, all succumbing to the same dramatic cliches.
