The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Motherless 7-Year-Old Sings Heartbreaking Cover of ‘Blue Christmas’

at 12:04 pm | By

Why Rhema Marvanne Is Having a ‘Blue Christmas’

The holidays can be a difficult time of year for anyone who has experienced loss in their family, let alone a young child. At the tender age of five Rhema Marvanne tragically lost her mother to ovarian cancer, but only two years later the angelic songstress found a healthy way to deal with her feelings when she gets the blues over the holidays — she sings her mother’s very favorite Christmas song, “Blue Christmas.”

7-year-old girl sings

Source: YouTube/Rhema Marvanne

Listen to the budding performer’s emotional take on a Christmas classic and be sure to SHARE her voice with the rest of the world…

The Littlelest Gospel Singer

Source: Instagram @officalrhemamarvanne

A Texas born YouTube celebrity and actress, Rhema Marvanne started singing as soon as she learned how to talk. She actually first started gaining notoriety around six years of age with a recording of “Amazing Grace” that quickly went viral, leaving fans curious to hear more from such a young performer. Now twelve years old and still producing music — she’s already released three albums — Rhema’s talent has continued to blossom.

The Source of Her Artistry

Source: Instagram @officalrhemamarvanne

Rhema takes much of her inspiration to create music from the death of her mother, Wendi Marvanne, who passed away from ovarian cancer when Rhema was only five years old. Rhema maintains that while she’s performing, she’s singing for her mother up in heaven. She told the Fort Hood Sentinel in 2010, “When I sing, it makes me think of my mother, which makes me happy. I want to take my gift and share with those who are still sad and try to make them happy again.”

Rhema has followed through with her goal to help others overcome their own difficulties by using her talents to help raise money for a local cancer center and continuing to perform at various churches and conventions.

‘Blue Christmas’

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Originally written by Billy Hayes, the Christmas classic was made famous by the King of Rock ‘N Roll, Elvis Presley. While most of us think of the song in the context of unrequited romantic love, the lyrics apply beautifully to Rhema’s heartbreaking relationship with her mother.

The video is simple and shows Rhema spending Christmas Eve in her family home alone thinking about her mom. Be sure to wait until the end to see a precious photograph of three-year-old Rhema with her mom and her dedication to her mother.

Be sure to SHARE Rhema’s performance, and remember to be thankful for all of your own family members this holiday!
