The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Most Outrageously Homophobic News Anchors

at 5:24 pm | By
anti gay newscasters dmitri kisilev 2

Source: YouTube @ozzeuk

Probably the most frightening aspect of Kisilev’s views is that he’s the most-watched news program in Russia, and he preaches a belief that homosexuals are actively (and evilly) trying to push an agenda on the rest of the country: “We have this problem with homosexuals in that they behave provocatively, they behave like victims, and yes, that is certainly encouraging, provoking a situation that they are victims. No one’s hindering them from loving each other as much as they want. They are aggressively imposing their minority values on the majority. So sure, society will oppose it. Naturally, right? In various, including brutal, forms.”
