The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Most Hilarious Hoverboard Fails

at 2:41 pm | By

Epic Fail.

Hoverboards and segways are everywhere you look.

It’s the hottest new tech on the market, and retailers are saying they’re the hardest gift to get this holiday season. Even though they were just made illegal in New York, hoverboards are the gift every kid wants this Christmas, thanks in part to celebrities like Justin Bieber, Kylie Jenner, and plenty of Vine and social media stars.

But naturally, like with any new fad or technology, there are going to be some epic fails. We’ve scoured the internet to find you the best hoverboard fails out there, and you’re going to want to see these.

Bieber may skate around his house with ease, floating on air, but most people aren’t that lucky the first time they step on a mini segway.

hoverboard fails intro

Source: ALFI

Start the slideshow below to see the best hoverboard fails the internet has to offer, then SHARE the hilarity!

She Got It

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She got it, she got it… she don’t got it.

Moves for Days

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I don’t think legs are supposed to bend that way.

They See Me Rollin’

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They hatin’.

Fallen and I Can’t Get Up

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I can’t tell if she’s actually really good…

Use the For—

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That’s a big old Dark Side FAIL!

Trust Fall

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Just when you thought your friend had your back…

“You’re Gonna’ DIE!”

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Even though he doesn’t fall, the frantic screaming makes this one amazing.

There Goes 300 Bucks

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Because why not ride a moving hoverboard down a moving escalator?

Lazy Boy

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Not surprising at all that he has a broken bone at the moment.

In the Market

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Love this girl’s moves. The only thing more embarrassing than falling off your hoverboard is falling off your hoverboard in public!

RIP Phone

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I don’t know if insurance covers screens cracked by hoverboards.

Wait for It…

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Just when you thought he had it.

In the Street

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That blacktop has gotta’ hurt.

Big Man Fall Hard

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Funny guy at the party has one final joke…

Boom Goes the Dynamite

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This might be the most well-known hoverboard fail on the internet, and the reason why is no surprise!
