The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Artists Ingeniously Protest During Paris Climate Conference

at 3:28 pm | By

Paris’s New “Subvertising” Campaign

It’s one thing to say you’re proactively dealing with climate change, and another thing entirely to actually do something about it.

Since the November terrorist attacks in Paris, the City of Light has been under the careful eyes of the world for weeks. More recently, the COP 21, or the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, began in the outskirts of the French capital, and artists took advantage of the organic and ongoing spotlight to give their two cents about big businesses and climate change.

A British group of artists, collectively called Brandalism, have made a name for themselves since they started their work in 2012 by taking over corporate advertising with their own not-so-subliminal messaging.

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Source: Twitter @Colossal

Start the slideshow below to see some of the most clever and powerful messages that Brandalism posted around Paris, and then SHARE to spread the word!


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Source: Twitter @MTVNews

Based on the traditions of guerrilla art, Brandalism performs “takeovers” of certain cities to make the public more aware of a specific cause. According to their site, “Brandalism starts from the democratic conviction that the street is a site of communication, which belongs to the citizens and communities who live there. It is a rebellion against the visual assault of media giants and advertising moguls who have a stranglehold over messages and meaning in our public spaces, through which they force-feed us with images and messages to keep us insecure, unhappy, and shopping. ”


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Source: Twitter @MikeHudema

By reclaiming visual space from big business, Brandalism hopes to educate the public and return the streets to the locals. This ad outs Volkswagen for lying about their emissions, as well as about how they hope to swipe the entire ordeal under the rug.
