Beyoncé Said It Best: Pretty Hurts
If being beautiful is so hard why does Pinterest have to make it look so easy? People will always go to nutty extremes to try and perfect themselves (sometimes to their own detriment). Beauty tips and secrets are constantly being passed about on social media, and just like any good #PinterestFail they’re are some major #BeautyFails out there. The hidden message? Don’t believe everything you read, and be careful when it comes to your body and your beauty, otherwise you might end up like one of these girls…

Source: Instagram @weareyoung
SHARE if you’ve ever made a beauty boo-boo!
15. Nail Fail

We’re curious as to why someone would want their nails to look like matzoh to begin with. But ya know, l’chaim!
14. Tanner Fail

Source: Instagram @jodielynn82
Always, ALWAYS wash your hands afterwards. Or the sun works pretty well we hear.
13. Extreme Tanner Fail

Source: Instagram @lovett123
We’re not sure what to even call this skin tone. Nutella?
12. Eyebrow Fail

Source: Imgur @akae47
At least the colors match?
11. Hair Dye Fail

Source: Instagram/@mikayla_jane21
She had blonde. She wanted auburn. She got gray.
10. Hair Dye Fail X 10

Source: Instagram @michellb_
We’re not even sure what color this one is supposed to be. All of them?
9. Waxing Fail

Source: Instagram @puipuipanda
If this is how here lip wax went, we’d hate to see the Brazilian.
8. Lash Fail

The goal is to look more beautiful, yes? This weave is cray!
7. Lash Fail 2.0

Source: YouTube @cackles
So much pain! Be careful when you’re curling or this might happen to you. Do lashes always grow back?
6. Lip Plumper Fail

Source: Instagram @weareyoung
Anyone remember the #KylieJennerChallenge? Kids everywhere posted photos like these to show off their luscious, vacuum-sealed lips (and some went to the hospital.)
5. Lipstick Fail

Source: Instagram @lipstickfail
You know your lipstick is long lasting when it just won’t come off.
4. Hair Extensions Fail

Source: Instagram @__swilson__
I’m beginning to think that this chick has no idea what she’s doing, but we’re giving her an A for effort.
3. Heels Fail

Source: Instagram @bethle_ham
Cobblestone streets + stilettos = ?
2. Haircut Fail

Source: Imgur @bananapunk
One million points for ingenuity. Zero points for beauty.
1. Sprinkles Fail

We’re not really sure what Miley Cyrus look this girl was going for, but at least this fail is totally edible.