The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Classic Paintings Transformed for a Modern World

at 3:36 pm | By

Throughout history, artists have found their inspiration in love, beauty, nature, and purity. As society advances, however, we’ve traded in many of these idyllic themes for selfishness, corruption, polluted cities, and greed.

More than ever, we have to work to find beauty in the world, to search for happy headlines underneath mountains of war, hatred, and bad news.

Conceptual artist Dan Cretu has tons of amazing art on his social media pages, but some of the most striking works are modernized versions of classic art that he’s transformed as a commentary on our busy, money-hungry society.

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A Fast Food Renaissance (Source: Instagram @dan_cretu)

Start the slideshow below to see some of your favorite paintings remastered for a new world, then SHARE the message.


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Source: Instagram @dan_cretu

Missed connections while taking the Uber home at night. I wonder what Hopper would think.

Children’s New Games

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Source: Instagram @dan_cretu

Imagination is on its way out as technology takes over even children’s playtime in this Bruegel remake.
