The Internet at the Speed of Thought

Barbie Boy Is Busting Gender Norms

at 10:51 am | By

Barbie Dolls Are OK For Boys Too

boy in barbie commercial

Source: YouTube @Moschino Official

Mattel has finally caught on to the fact that little boys also love to play with Barbie dolls. For the first time ever a boy has been featured in a Barbie commercial — and he’s pretty darn adorable.

The ad features a mohawked blond boy playing with his two girlfriends, a black girl and white girl (let’s try and keep things racially expansive while we’re at it) and their well-branded, well-appointed $150 Moschino Barbie Dolls.

“Moschino Barbie is so fierce!” asserts the boy before placing a bejeweled mini-Moschino purse over Barbie’s waiting arm. This boy has more swag than I will ever have.

“It’s for you Moschino Barbie,” our young star quips with a wink at the end of the commercial, handing Barbie her mobile device.

The inversion of gender norms with such a traditionally female brand right before the holidays is sure to create a ruckus, but clearly the time is now. Even big stores like Target and Harrods in Britain have recently changed their traditional boy/girl layout for toys and traded them in for a more neutral department where toys are organized by category not by gender specificity.

We couldn’t be happier about the move towards gender neutrality, though of course boys have been playing with Barbie dolls for years (I myself preferred My Little Ponies).

However, if you love Moschino Barbie as much as our fabulous friends in the commercial, you might have to wait to grab one because the two collectors edition dolls already sold out within an hour of going on sale last week.

We give this commercial an A+ for helping to eliminate gender roles for children and allowing kids to just be kids.

SHARE if you think it’s OK for boys to like dolls too, then watch the fierce commercial below.

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