The Internet at the Speed of Thought

18 Most Shameful Moments In U.S. History

at 12:51 pm | By

10. Vietnam War

Vietnamese Woman with gun to her head

Credit: Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

The sprawling conflict between the United States and its allies, and communist North Vietnam and its supporters was a war fought for no tangible reason, that cost millions of lives and billions of dollars. Vietnam lasted nearly 20 years, and over 58,000 Americans were killed with over 300,000 more wounded. Perhaps more tragically were the civilian deaths, estimated as high as 2.5 million, and the countless tragedies that spun out of this senseless conflict.

9. Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Source: Imgur/Lep73

From 1932-1972 the U.S. Public Health Service studied the untreated progression of syphilis by giving it to unknowing, poor, black farmers.

8. Watergate

Credit: AFP/Getty Images

In 1972, operatives, who were later connected to President Nixon’s re-election campaign, were arrested while breaking into the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate building in Washington. An in-depth investigation over the next two years revealed that Nixon knew about the break in and tried to cover the scandal up, and additional improprieties were uncovered throughout the Nixon administration. On, September 8, 1974, President Nixon resigned amid the controversy and in the end, 48 other members of his administration were found guilty of various crimes and jailed. The confidence of the American people in their government was shaken to its core, and did not rebound for some time.
