The Internet at the Speed of Thought

15 Crazy Space Travel Facts

at 5:25 pm | By

Space Makes You Look Younger

Credit: BigStockPhoto

Now for some good news: when you’re in space, your wrinkles disappear! Since there is no gravity to keep them in place, bodily fluids that are settled on earth redistribute themselves to higher regions. This shift of fluids gives astronauts skinny chicken legs and slightly bloated faces, making it appear as if wrinkles have simply melted away. Unfortunately this is only temporary, so be prepared to take plenty of selfies while you’re looking extra good!

Space Makes You Taller

Credit: BigStockPhoto

Due to the lack of gravity in outer space, your vertebrae begin to stretch out a bit adding an extra 2-3 inches in height. The downfall? As the muscles and ligaments relax they cause aching and dull pains. But no pain, no gain! Luckily the aching stops once back on earth where astronauts shrink to their normal height.

Space Makes You Weaker

NASA astronaut Robert Laurel Crippen keeps limber in zero-gravity, whilst orbiting the earth in the space shuttle Columbia. Credit: Space Frontiers/Getty Images

Another side-effect of zero-gravity living is muscle atrophy. Everything in space floats, so there is no need for astronauts to use their muscles to walk, stand or lift. These underused muscles eventually become flabby and weak effecting balance and posture. In turn space travelers run the risk of tendonitis and fat accumulation. Crews usually participate in workout sessions to keep muscle mass at a healthy level.
