Simone Bramante
{ Tell Me A Story } • That time I’ve found a rainbow blowing my boy’s head out. Dream Big. A photo posted by Simone Bramante (@brahmino) on
The photographer who owns this account is on a storytelling mission: he wants to communicate the human experience through stunning pictures and expressive words. This account offers the best of both visual and mental stimulation.
Charity Water
It’s hard to imagine what life without water is like, even for most adults. This account helps make it easier for kids to understand just how devastating it can be to live in a water crisis, and who better to tell you child than a charity that’s bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in need around the world? Raise a socially-conscious child: follow this account.
Humans of New York
Brandon Stanton has created an internationally known Instagram account called Humans of New York, or HONY. The idea is simple: he photographs random people around the city, and they tell their story, unfiltered. Maybe take a read through the kinds of things posted to see if it’s age appropriate for your child, but if you want your kid to have an idea that people come from a wide range of experiences, follow HONY.