The Internet at the Speed of Thought

15 Instagram Accounts That Your Kids Should Be Following

at 5:16 pm | By

You Can’t Hide Your Kids From Social Media Forever

It seems like kids are getting iPhones and Instagram accounts younger and younger these days, and based on the trends of the last five years, it’s clear that social media isn’t going anywhere. So rather than telling your kid “no” when they ask about Instagram, etc, why don’t you say “yes” and take the opportunity to teach your child how to use social media properly! That way they’ll be better prepared to appropriately use social media when you can’t be monitoring their use as closely anymore. In addition to open conversation, clear expectations, and some strict privacy policies, here are 15 Instagram accounts that will enrich your child’s experience and add some meaning among the barrage of selfies from their 12-year-old friends.

kid on phone with legos


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Click Below For Our List Of Mom-Approved Instagram Accounts!

Kid President

Kid President is a boy named Robby who is the main character in a book called Kid President’s Guide To Being Awesome and his Instagram and YouTube accounts teach kids how to do just that.

The White House

Yeah, you heard us right. Keeping The White House in your child’s Instagram feed is an easy way to keep them informed about the major political discussions going on in the country right now. Think about it this way: if your child is old enough to be using Instagram, shouldn’t they be old enough to think about issues that they’ll one day (sooner than you think) be facing themselves?

This Is Teen

The #book struggle is real #bookstagram #reading #bookhaul #booklove

A photo posted by This Is Teen (@thisisteen) on

This Is Teen is a wonderful account that reminds kids that it’s still cool to read. With cool images and LOTS of good reviews and suggestions for young adult reading, this account may just inspire the next Shakespeare.


For those who don’t know, GoPro’s are small, handheld cameras that shoot high quality video and are great for action shots on-the-go. Thus, their Instagram feed is filled with gorgeous, outdoors and sports inspired people who are passionate about nature.


Playing a game of pool #livelokai Thanks @glennalinskie

A photo posted by live lokai (@livelokai) on

Another FYI for people who aren’t aware — LiveLokai bracelets are made with water from Mt. Everest and mud from the Dead Sea — the highest and lowest point on Earth. This philosophy teaches our kids that balance is essential in a world that increasingly expects perfection from our children.

Animal Planet

For the kid that loves animals, this account is full of animal-rights related posts and inspires followers to promote adoption while fueling up their feed with plenty of pawdorable pics!

ONE Campaign

Your kids are inevitably going to end up following some of their favorite celebrity Instagram accounts, so why not have your kids follow an account where they can see their favorite stars at work for a good cause? ONE is a campaigning and advocacy organization of 7 million people taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa.

Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls

You rock our worlds, Smart Girls ? (art by #TheLatestKate on Tumblr) A photo posted by Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls (@amypoehlersmartgirls) on

Funny lady Amy Poehler is on a mission to empower girls to be more than the patriarchy has in mind for them — and our sons are just as important to the future of feminism as our daughters are. Get your kids inspired and engaged by following this account!

Yes! One word per day. They’re really cool words, they have really simple definitions, and your kid will be preparing for the SAT’s WAY before all the other kids! You might want to follow too! There’s nothing better than a spicy vocabulary!


So the lesson of Halloween is that pretending to be something you’re not will lead to a sweet reward. Hmm… ??? A photo posted by Tania Ahsan (@maya_on_the_move) on

The visual story of one adorable bulldog’s adventures in NYC. This is probably the most adorable account ever! If your kid loves dogs, they’ll LOVE this mom-approved Instagram feed.

I Love Playmo

iloveholidays ☀️ [© All rights reserved | 21.02.2015]

A photo posted by @iloveplaymo on

This account will spark your child’s creative interest! One imaginative photographer, many PlayMobile toys, endless possibilities.

Simone Bramante

{ Tell Me A Story } • That time I’ve found a rainbow blowing my boy’s head out. Dream Big. A photo posted by Simone Bramante (@brahmino) on

The photographer who owns this account is on a storytelling mission: he wants to communicate the human experience through stunning pictures and expressive words. This account offers the best of both visual and mental stimulation.

Charity Water

It’s hard to imagine what life without water is like, even for most adults. This account helps make it easier for kids to understand just how devastating it can be to live in a water crisis, and who better to tell you child than a charity that’s bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in need around the world? Raise a socially-conscious child: follow this account.

Humans of New York

Brandon Stanton has created an internationally known Instagram account called Humans of New York, or HONY. The idea is simple: he photographs random people around the city, and they tell their story, unfiltered. Maybe take a read through the kinds of things posted to see if it’s age appropriate for your child, but if you want your kid to have an idea that people come from a wide range of experiences, follow HONY.

National Geographic

This account is exactly what you would expect from NatGeo: stunning photography that communicates the wonder of nature and the complexity of the human experience. Inspire the explorer, photographer, anthropologist, or wildlife expert in your kid that’s dying to get out with this stunning Instagram feed.
