The Internet at the Speed of Thought

11 Times J.K. Rowling Was the Baddest Witch on Twitter

at 2:56 pm | By

Things Just Got Riddikulus

In an age where social media reigns, conversations that once were private or that never happened at all are now on display for all the world with an internet connection to see.

Many celebrities have greatly benefitted from their use of social media, remaining consistently relevant to their fanbase while gaining millions of followers — be them supporters or trolls — in the process.

Well if any celebrity knows about trolls, it’s J.K. Rowling, and she uses her magical words to take care of them on a daily basis. Most recently, Jo made headlines for tweeting that even Voldemort wasn’t as bad as Donald Trump, sending fans once again into fits of glee over her unabashedly blunt and perpetually humorous tweets, which got us thinking…

jk rowling twitter comebacks intro

Source: YouTube @BuzzFeedYellow

Start the slideshow below to see the most magical Twitter shade cast by this #BossWitch, then SHARE!

Tweetus Maximus

jk rowling twitter comebacks imperius

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Did she just confess to using an Unforgivable Curse?


jk rowling twitter comebacks feminism

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Get up, stand up for your rights.


jk rowling twitter comebacks trump

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Here’s the latest tweet to make trending news. Rowling tweeted that even her literary supervillain Lord Voldemort, who Ranker voted the 8th best movie villain of all time, wasn’t as bad as Donald Trump, in light of his recent suggestion to bar all Muslims from entering the United States.

Neville’s Long Bottom

jk rowling twitter comebacks neville

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Or that time she went off on actor Matt Lewis (Neville Longbottom in the movies) for the underwear ads he modeled in. Is there a counterspell for awkwardness?

God’s Sense of Humor

jk rowling twitter comebacks god

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Rowling, who has stated in interviews that she believes in God, joked about the man upstairs’s sense of humor in response to one fan’s tweet about Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist and noted atheist.

American Football vs. Rugby

jk rowling twitter comebacks football

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Or that time that Jo, a huge rugby fan, tweeted this low blow about American football. Luckily we can assume her favorite sport is Quidditch.

The Blame

jk rowling twitter comebacks rupert murdoch

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

How about that time she used news magnate Rupert Murdoch’s own logic to prove what a bigot he was?

The Cupboard Under the Stairs

jk rowling twitter comebacks room under the stairs

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Wait, wait — or that time Rowling actually had to explain that she didn’t support housing children in cramped cupboards under the stairs, as per a furniture company’s humorous suggestion?

Charity Burbage

jk rowling twitter comebacks charity

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

There’s an ongoing Twitter argument between trolls and Joanne regarding her allegiance to Scotland and/or England, especially during rugby matches and during last year’s independence referendum. But when it comes to money and charitable donations, J.K. doesn’t kid around!

Mind Blown

jk rowling twitter comebacks gay marriage

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

I specifically remember falling out of my chair after reading “tiny bigoted minds out of your thick sloping skulls.” She’s the baddest witch in town.

No Invisibility Cloak Needed

jk rowling twitter comebacks dumbledore

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Turns out the woman who knows her characters best also just understands people, plain and simple.

Don’t forget to follow J.K. Rowling on Twitter and SHARE this article!
