The Internet at the Speed of Thought

11 Times J.K. Rowling Was the Baddest Witch on Twitter

at 2:56 pm | By

Charity Burbage

jk rowling twitter comebacks charity

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

There’s an ongoing Twitter argument between trolls and Joanne regarding her allegiance to Scotland and/or England, especially during rugby matches and during last year’s independence referendum. But when it comes to money and charitable donations, J.K. doesn’t kid around!

Mind Blown

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Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

I specifically remember falling out of my chair after reading “tiny bigoted minds out of your thick sloping skulls.” She’s the baddest witch in town.

No Invisibility Cloak Needed

jk rowling twitter comebacks dumbledore

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Turns out the woman who knows her characters best also just understands people, plain and simple.

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