The Internet at the Speed of Thought

11 Times J.K. Rowling Was the Baddest Witch on Twitter

at 2:56 pm | By

American Football vs. Rugby

jk rowling twitter comebacks football

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Or that time that Jo, a huge rugby fan, tweeted this low blow about American football. Luckily we can assume her favorite sport is Quidditch.

The Blame

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

How about that time she used news magnate Rupert Murdoch’s own logic to prove what a bigot he was?

The Cupboard Under the Stairs

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Wait, wait — or that time Rowling actually had to explain that she didn’t support housing children in cramped cupboards under the stairs, as per a furniture company’s humorous suggestion?
