The Internet at the Speed of Thought

11 Times J.K. Rowling Was the Baddest Witch on Twitter

at 2:56 pm | By


jk rowling twitter comebacks trump

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Here’s the latest tweet to make trending news. Rowling tweeted that even her literary supervillain Lord Voldemort, who Ranker voted the 8th best movie villain of all time, wasn’t as bad as Donald Trump, in light of his recent suggestion to bar all Muslims from entering the United States.

Neville’s Long Bottom

jk rowling twitter comebacks neville

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Or that time she went off on actor Matt Lewis (Neville Longbottom in the movies) for the underwear ads he modeled in. Is there a counterspell for awkwardness?

God’s Sense of Humor

jk rowling twitter comebacks god

Source: Twitter @jk_rowling

Rowling, who has stated in interviews that she believes in God, joked about the man upstairs’s sense of humor in response to one fan’s tweet about Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist and noted atheist.
